
Easter Blessings to you and Barbara. I miss you all. This Easter means so much more after having walked where Jesus, Our Lord walked and taught.

Peggy Mays,

This Easter season has meant so much more to me as I can visualize all the wonderful places we were able to visit. The thrill of walking were Jesus walked and praying were Jesus prayed will be cherished for the rest of my life. The journey to Israel with Lindsay and Barbara Poteat, was an amazing, inspirational and unforgettable experience. The tour guide was very knowledgeable about the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. He also had a vast knowledge of Israeli history. The accommodations were top rate and food delicious. Lindsay and Barbara were friendly, loving leaders.  I highly recommend this tour of the Holy Land.

Nancy Hannigan,

Shalom, Brother Lindsay

What a wonderful experience Terry and I had on the trip to Israel. You and Barbara, along with your family, made this trip come “ALIVE” in a very real and spiritual way. Tal, our tour guide, with his vast knowledge of the Scriptures concerning all the Biblical sites we visited, gave new meaning to the Bible and it’s history. And let’s not forget our group of Christian friends, who helped make this our best trip ever.

Prior to the trip, in talking with others who had previously visited Israel, they explained how the Bible would come alive… so much so that you would be able to see and feel the Word rather than just reading it. They were so right. I have not been able to put down my Bible since returning home. We saw so many sites, but three special spiritual moments for me were: 1) Mount Carmel, 2) seeing Mount Nebo off in the distance, and 3) seeing the City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.

As I was standing atop Mount Carmel, Tal pointed out the City of Nazareth in the distance beyond the Valley of Armageddon… indeed this was special to me then, and more so now. I could picture a younger Jesus sitting on one of the many huge rocks surrounding Nazareth and looking back towards Mount Carmel, seeing the past where Elijah battled the prophets of Baal. I could imagine Him also seeing the future down deep in the Valley. I wonder what He might have been thinking?

As we were riding on the bus, Tal pointed out Mount Nebo. Wow, another ah-ha moment! I could imagine seeing Moses standing atop that great mountain, it’s base coming right up to the Dead Sea - a truly amazing image came into focus. That night I read the final chapters of Deuteronomy and half the book of Joshua. God's Word filling my heart as I could see Moses looking into the land of Canaan - north, south and west to the Great Sea. I envisioned the multitude of people coming and God stopping the waters of the Jordan so the people could pass into the Land of Canaan (later to be named Israel). I was so tuned into the Word.

And the wonderful sight of the City Jerusalem with it’s majestic walls as seen from the Mount of Olives - the most beautiful sight I have ever seen! Very inspiring.

For me this trip had so many fond memories - Rebaptized in the Jordan River, Terry reading scripture and myself praying in Capernaum, praying at the Western Wall, serving others the Lord’s supper, Alan and Wanda Harris sitting in front of us on the bus, Joe Nickert’s poem, and most of all Terry and I, married forty five years, holding hands walking through the streets of Jerusalem - just so very special. I thank God for the many blessings though our life together.

One of the many things God made known to me through prayer when I got back home was to memorize the twelve tribes… the sons of Jacob/Israel. I did that, but I went a step further.  I went on the internet memorizing the land masses/districts promised by God to each tribe throughout the land of Israel and studied the ancient cities and their locations. This helped me in studying the Word so much better. When the Bible says they went to Dan in the north, or back over the Jordan to Gilead, I could see and know exactly where they were heading. The Bible has indeed come “ALIVE!” Now, reading the Bible is looking at Israel from a different perspective. I pray He will lead me in the Scriptures in the future.

Thank you Lindsay for this most memorable, wonderful trip.

Tom and Terry Greskevitch, Suffolk, VA - 2016,

“For my wife and me this was not just a ‘trip,’ it was a pilgrimage that, once we were in Israel, turned into so much more than even that. It evolved to be a journey of the soul that let us actually feel what we have read and heard about all our lives. The feeling of standing where Jesus and the Apostles actually were is indescribable - something that can only be experienced by going there. Since our return we have not thought about the Bible in the same way. One of the first things this pilgrimage will cause you to do is be anxious to read your Bible. It is so different while reading it to be able to accurately picture the places and distances in your mind's eye instead of guessing, and say to yourself, ‘I have been there!’  I can only say that I would not trade this pilgrimage for any amount of ‘stuff’ money can buy. The feeling of being on Holy Ground was priceless. I cannot wait until I am able to return.”

Volpe & Jennifer Boykin, VA, 2016,