
"If you are anything like me, going to Israel has always been a dream. That dream became a reality for me in 2007 when I went on my first trip to Israel with the Poteats. I went back again the following year with my wife. It is hard pressed to find a better priced tour that will cover as much and not cut corners on accommodations. I think what impressed me the most is that they spent the time to put together a book with information and Bible verses from the sites you will be visiting. Also, they treat their tour members like family."

Phil & Angela Flowers, Who now live in Jerusalem, Israel, 2007, 2008

Phil & Angela Flowers,

Happy Easter to you and your family.  I think, almost every day, I have something that makes me think about my experiences in the Holy Land. I pray that Tal will take his understanding of Christianity and turn that into belief in Jesus Christ. Just finished reading the book, The Lion’s Gate: On the Front Lines of the Six Day War, by Steven Pressfield. It really made me appreciate the extra trip that Tal took us to where some of the most fierce fighting (Ammunition Hill) had taken place. This book really helps me understand Israel’s concerns about their surrounding neighbors and their safety. God Bless you and your family.

Fred & Phyllis Kohlman,  Newport News, VA, 2016

Fred & Phyllis Kohlman,

“I appreciate your coordinating a lovely trip, educational, inspiring and replete with wonder. As many predicted my Bible reading is forever changed for the best!”

Cynthia Schirmer, South Carolina, 2016

Cynthia Schirmer,

My name is Avi Dehan from Israel, the Holy Land. I'm a licensed tour guide for the last 36 years... doing and guiding so many groups of pilgrims from so many places. I had the privilege and so much pleasure to know and to work with Lindsay and his wonderful wife Barbara Poteat during the last 10 years - guiding their groups. Let me say, always with so much success thanks to Lindsay as the spiritual leader, and Barbara assisting with her help and such a beautiful voice singing and teaching bible songs to the group... as much as I know my job, I always learned so much from Lindsay - the Bible and leadership for people... I recommend to every one to join and enjoy his tour to the Holy Land with Lindsay and Barbara Poteat!!!

Avi Dehan, Zichron Ya’acov, Israel - 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012

Avi Dehan,